Which data could we use? We have decided that we want to convey a positive experience. Something that gives you something good while wearing our thing. Especially in these times when everyone is wearing a mask it is very hard to give someone a nice smile. We have found out that smiling reduces stress and that stress is especially bad for getting old. So this should be a part of a ritual to let us age with dignity. So you would wear our Wearable during the ritual or maybe when you are stressed in everyday life.

We have also made the experience that people in old age think a lot about their life and what comes after it and so they are spiritual in their individual way. Our ritual should also have a kind of spirituality but not belong to any religion. We could imagine to use for example an acupressure point for the placement of our wearable.

Our ritual is designed to introduce us aspects of aging in a practical way. Laughing gives us wrinkles in old age, but it also documents what we have experienced and laughing itself is especially healthy because we release dopamine and reduce stress and even more oxygen reaches our brain during laughter. So we could develop something that we can use as a tool during a ritual or even make it into a toolkit where we can transport a small part of it. It is important to bring a positive feeling to the people