This week we tried to get away from latex. We also changed from the air pump to a water pump. So we tried to seal two layers of plastin on top of each other to fill them with water. Depending on the type of plastic, this worked better or worse. Then there were holes or it was too dense and the water could not flow through. We also tried to add some color that we actually liked but it might look too artificial in concept. We also thought about how the wearable could look like. We decided on a top that covers the décolleté. At the end of the week there was the first performance of all groups.

The first and easiest test to see how we like to collect water between plastics.

Here there were two layers of rather thin plastic. We used the hot air gun to melt them together with heat in certain places. The water then flows only through certain places.

We then froze our water-filled plastic and were very fascinated by the result.

Unfortunately not all types of plastics were equally useful.

We made a plaster cast to adjust the material later.

We decided on a top that covers the décolleté.

This was our first performance with the garment. We tried to convey that our concept contains a kind of ritual that connects us with the earth and makes an exchange of information possible.