This week we want to build our final prototype, we still have small concept disagreements. That's why we thought a storyboard could help round out the story through storytelling.


  1. In order to prepare mentally and physically for the ritual, you have to find and determine a place days in advance that allows you access to nature.
  2. In order to connect with this natural environment, you need to take something that grows in this place and take it with you.
  3. At home, you fade it into a layer of ice to bring it to the ritual at the appropriate moment.
  4. On the day of the ritual you go back to the chosen place.
  5. Now the ritual kit comes into play, it consists of a heat source, a suit and a bowl. The ice with the collected things from this place are heated and the water vapor produced from it travels around the body and collects again at the end in a bowl.

Ritual Kit:

The ritual kit consists of a heat source which is regulated according to the vibration data of the earth and the specifically chosen location and allows the prepared material to evaporate. This is combined with a wearable which allows this energy to be felt and directed to our body, thus giving an exchange. This is then transferred into a bowl which returns half of the collected material to the place and the other half goes to itself.

This are examples how the wearable could look like.

Our first attempt to attach the silicone tubes to the body.

Another material test: